Our expert business development team works with the chamber to develop the objectives of the publication(s) and ascertain the most suitable format to accomplish the goals and objectives of your marketing needs. A production schedule is established to provide a complete timeline for the project from the pre-sales marketing to the delivery of the publication to the chamber. This schedule of events is established, reviewed and mutually accepted prior to starting the project. Signature Printing’s editorial department and design team will edit, design, and layout the publication with the approval of the chamber. 

A carefully selected professional account executive(s) will be assigned to your project. This sales team will work with your office staff to sell advertising to the chamber membership. The account executives act as ambassadors for your organization during the time they are working at your organization. As a dues paying member of the chamber, Signature Printing representatives attend all networking events and functions as an active volunteer for your organization.

General responsibilities Signature Printing assumes for the project are:

  • Signature Printing is responsible for selling the advertising that sponsors the publication.
  • Signature Printing invoices the advertisers, collects the monies, and pays a royalty to the chamber.
  • Signature Printing designs the advertisements for the members and sends a proof for members’ approval.
  • When the publication is completed, Signature Printing sends every advertiser a dozen directories and a letter thanking them for their business and support to the chamber.

We offer or provide:

  • a royalty to the chamber based on a percentage of advertising sales or predetermined guaranteed amount, which ever is larger;
  • the number of publications the chamber needs - for free;
  • mailing services for distribution of the publication to your membership.

For more information, contact:
Tony Prada
Sales and Marketing Manager
Email: sigprint@bellsouth.net
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